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Results: Displaying 10 of 125884 on page 9678 of 12589
Learn history with sense to life: historical consciousness of brazilian and portuguese...
Sexuality and gender: study of affective relations in deaf female young people in...
Legal education and the separation of the theoretical and practical axes: interrelations...
Study of lipofuscin granules and synapses in the temporal cortex during aging
Indicative Mode of the Spanish language learning strategies, beliefs and the teaching...
Undetectability index of gross errors in power systems state estimation
Fault detection process automation in distribution lines using hybrid expert sys...
FDG PET abnormalities in preoperative evaluation of patients with thyroid nodules...
Assessment of coping and its relationship with personality traits in adults with...
Low temperature influence on meiotic oocyte spindle of mice and humans after maturation...
Results: Displaying 10 of 125884 on page 9678 of 12589