Últimas Publicaciones
Resultados: Listando 10 de 125043 en la página 10241 de 12505
Comparative Study of Capiora, Lageado and Jaboticabeira I sambaquis: interpretations...
Applied methodology to obtain an information system from a hub port
Study on the Apis bull iconography during the pharaonic period
Determinants of success and failure of the international coalitions in the negotiations...
Volcanological aspects of the Piraju - Ourinhos (SP) trachydacites
Magmatic evolution, hydrothermal alteration and geneseis of gold-copper mineralization...
Psychological characteristics of first and second pregnancies: the use of HFD and...
The lyrical opera as a tool for teaching Italian as a foreign language: theories...
Aesthetic politics and poetical occupations: an (im)possible genealogy from the Brazilian...
Erosion and sediment deposition evaluation on slopes under different tillage systems...
Resultados: Listando 10 de 125043 en la página 10241 de 12505