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Resultados: Listando 10 de 124957 en la página 9662 de 12496
Contribution to the criteria for innovation oriented organizational design in consolidated...
Bioecology of Spodoptera frugiperda and of its egg parasitoids Telenomus remus, Trichogramma...
Bioactivity of neem nanoformulations and extracts of other Meliaceae and their interactions...
Morphological and physiological responses of Brachiaria spp. grasses under two defoliation...
The focus of Health Promotion in the university extension activities in the area...
New pedagogic interface: corpus linguistics & multiliteracies
Asteroseismology and Rotation in the Main Sequence
The paths of land tenure in the city of Concórdia do Pará / PA
Sao Paulo belt economy and demography in the neighborhoods of São Paulo's capita...
The psychomotor symptom: the issue of joy in the mother-child relationship
Resultados: Listando 10 de 124957 en la página 9662 de 12496