Dernières publications
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 125162 à l'page 10184 de 12517
Pastoral agricultural in the agrobusiness territory: a study on rural workers Sem...
Cultural diversity of Syria through music and dance
André Gide and Georges Perec: the potential dialogues
Effects of continuous ultrasound onto the conjunctive muscular tissue regeneration...
Projeto social: um objeto de estudo construído na teia de suas significações soc...
The meanings and senses of health practices: fundamental ontology and the reconstruction...
Social Psychologys contributions to the study of one riverine village on the Upper...
Elaboration of Career Projects and Reduction of Social Vulnerability: important elements...
Weaving the web of identity: an study about career changes
Missing value substitution: an approach based on evolutionary algorithm for clustering...
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 125162 à l'page 10184 de 12517