Dernières publications
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 125176 à l'page 10916 de 12518
Evaluation of photodynamic response in normal rat liver using a femtosecond regime...
Purification and characterization of a carboxypeptidase and a dipeptidase from Tenebrio...
Effect of fermented milk containing Lactobacillus casei Shirota on the intestinal...
Investigation on the microbial diversity and phylogeny of archaea and bacteria in...
Plant species recognition by leaf texture analysis
Robotic architecture inpired from Behavior analysis
Psychodiagnosis: understanding the psychics aspects of the pain in patients with...
Emotion that fecundates and turns reason into potential: gender on educational r...
School inclusion in pre-school: access to the curriculum
Quince yield revitalization: intergeneric graft and rootstocks production for quince...
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 125176 à l'page 10916 de 12518