Dernières publications
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 124758 à l'page 10934 de 12476
Evaluation of post-operative pain in equine arthroscopic surgery
Neurological manifestations in Wilson disease: clinical study and genotype corre...
Portuguese translation and validation of the POMA II test (Performance-Oriented Mobility...
Cavernous nerve reconstitution with the use of bone marrow stem cells and erectile...
Osteopontin as a marker of response to chemotherapy and radiotherapy in patients...
Collagen type I, collagen type III and versican distribution within the lamina propria...
Avaliação da qualidade de vida pré e pós-operatória no primeiro e terceiro mês em...
Annoyance related about urban noise among workers of commercial establishments in...
Cognitive impairment in elderly followed by general practitioners
Effects of exercise training on neurovascular control in heart failure patients treated...
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 124758 à l'page 10934 de 12476