Results: Displaying 10 of 125740 on page 10061 of 12574
Electric field-assisted flash sintering versus conventional sintering of biphasic...
Adaptation and cross-cultural validation of the Dietarian Identity Questionnaire...
Eleusis: a relational and material-based approach to ritual practices in West Attica...
Behavioral factors determining the accuracy of the earnings forecast of financial...
From financing to financialization: the restructuring of space by Real Estate Investment...
Weak signals and organizational planning: contributions to strategic planning through...
The COVID-19 crisis in Brazil, the effectiveness of monetary and fiscal policy
How far does the FGC guarantee go: a sequential crash test of financial institut...
Data intelligence and innovation center: a case study of the conception, structuring...
Mechanisms to improve fuzz testing for message brokers
Results: Displaying 10 of 125740 on page 10061 of 12574