Results: Displaying 10 of 125765 on page 10248 of 12577
Nitrogen transfer from bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) to intercropped maize: evaluation...
Interference compensations in ICP-AES rock analysis using flow injection and the...
Influence of intensive grazing by cattle on some chemical anti physical characteristics...
D-optimum designs: new ideas for augmenting the number of design points
The gross national product of the Brazilian agroindustrial complex
Use of modified atmosphere and active packaging in the conservation of the Roxo...
Alterations and soils developed from acid volcanic rocks, Serra Geral formation...
Behaviour of citrus rootstocks in three soils with different levels of aluminium...
Method of statistical analysis for combination of cultivars under intercropping
Results: Displaying 10 of 125765 on page 10248 of 12577