Results: Displaying 10 of 125884 on page 10788 of 12589
Synthesis and properties of nanostructured luminescent materials based on Nb2O5 and...
EMEF President Campos Salles: a case study of a democratic and humanized experience...
Teachers resistance to community participation and school institutionality: political...
Enzymatic modes of action on soybean hulls and corn distiller's dried grains with...
Strengthening family farming in the local agri-food system. An intervention in the...
Digital footprint and public interest in hunting in two distinct socioeconomic and...
A meta-analysis of the effects of pesticides on bees and their pollination service...
Agroforestry chickens and hens: development of a poultry silvopastoral system
Agroforestry systems as a conservation and production model to support forest restoration...
Comparison of oxide nitric susceptibility and clustered pattem of Mycobacterium tuberculosis...
Results: Displaying 10 of 125884 on page 10788 of 12589