Results: Displaying 10 of 125768 on page 11291 of 12577
Incorporation of the synthetic peptide (P10) from Paracoccidioides brasiliensis in...
Extended-spectrum β-lactamase-producing endophytic Enterobacteriaceae in commercial...
Structural analysis of key enzymes for gentamicin and sisomycin biosynthesis
Study of the control of RECK gene expression by human papillomavirus oncoprotein...
Root exudates as regulators of plant colonization by Methylobacterium spp. and Methylorubrum...
Eco-Epidemiology of Avulavirinae in wild birds from different regions of Brazil
Bioreactor studies and analysis of metabolic fluxes in recombinant Burkholderia sacchari...
Scientific knowledge and scientific divulgation: a productive approach in search...
Tailors and elegance: man's wear on the pages of Manchete and O Cruzeiro Magazines,...
The Itamaraty and the Modern: the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the visual arts...
Results: Displaying 10 of 125768 on page 11291 of 12577