Results: Displaying 10 of 125884 on page 11329 of 12589
Protected Areas inhabited by traditional populations and indigenous peoples as a...
Efficient evolutionary algorithms for robust Volt/VAr control in modern power distribution...
Estimation of sex in skulls by studying physical structures and tomography analy...
Human salivary glands morphogenesis: topographic study of aquaporins 1, 3 and 5 and...
Effect of a toothpaste containing oleanolic acid in reducing gingivitis- a randomized...
The impact of intraoral stents on the reduction of oral toxicities induced by radiotherapy:...
Methodology for comparison skull and face photographs for human identification p...
Evaluation of post-exodontic bleeding on liver pretransplant patients
Low-Intensity Laser Preventive Therapy Evaluation in the frequency of Herpes Labialis...
Changes in land use and land cover in the Buquira River Basin - Monteiro Lobato (SP)...
Results: Displaying 10 of 125884 on page 11329 of 12589