Results: Displaying 10 of 125580 on page 11552 of 12558
New class of parametric models for analysis of repairable systems
Assessment of pathological response in patients with gastric cancer undergoing preoperative...
Microbial translocation and its association with high neutrophil count and severity...
The flight of the eagle or the crawl of the serpent: a estudy of O Caminho para a...
John Selden and the making of an antiquarian history: collection, synchronism, and...
Impact of COVID-19 on physical and mental functioning in adolescents with disabilities...
Essential oils in the control of dengue, zika and chikungunya arboviruses through...
Sweat and oral fluid: alternatives for the investigation of drugs of abuse
Ruthenium complexes as nitric oxide releasing agents: studies of an interface between...
Distribution network cost allocation based on nodal prices under the uncertainty...
Results: Displaying 10 of 125580 on page 11552 of 12558