Results: Displaying 10 of 125098 on page 12246 of 12510
Study of adhesion between polymeric and vegetable fibers in cementitious matrix:...
Children and their playful practices from the port to the tide
Influence of awake bruxism behaviors on fatigue of the masticatory muscles
Detecting nitrogen, potassium and calcium nutritional status in Urochloa brizantha...
Validation of the Vectra Face Sculptor software to assess volumetric changes in the...
Efeitos do gérmen de soja e da terapia de reposição hormonal sobre a formação de...
Desire and politics in Spinoza, a study of Ethics
The notion of text in semiotics
Shape optimization and level set method applied to inversion problems
Results: Displaying 10 of 125098 on page 12246 of 12510