Results: Displaying 10 of 125054 on page 12393 of 12506
Cost and efficacy evaluation of the mutation analysis criterion in the program testing...
Study of the behavior of deformations in hole-flanging produced by incremental sheet...
A generalization of the Alexander Torus theorem
Music predicater of senses: a film/music analysis based in Tensive Semiotics
Analysis of textile flammability of the flight crew uniform
Inventory management and dynamics efficiency: Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and...
Capture system of aerosols generated by laser ablation for radioactively contaminated...
Palimpsesto and literary analysis: proposal for an 'archeology of the author' of...
The Adelphoe of Terence: study and translation
Archaeobotany and Social Changes in the Southwestern Amazon during the Middle Ho...
Results: Displaying 10 of 125054 on page 12393 of 12506