Resultados: Listando 10 de 125043 en la página 11318 de 12505
Una traducción comentada de tres cuentos de Lygia Fagundes Telles al español mex...
The so-called Just War that has never ended: a counter history Krenak
From the forging of the hand to the invention of the gaze: towards an other history...
What´s behind the item trás: a semanticization analysis of trás and other constructions...
Fog and Flow: funk in the electrical bodies of the Quebrada
Public policies to support family farming as a strategy to promote Food and Nutrition...
Interface between Philology and Prosodic Phonology: a study of Dutch manuscripts...
Numerical analysis of lightweight precast stairs fastening in structural masonry...
Association between diet, anxiety, depression, and nutritional status: effects on...
Cultural physical education in child education: narrativeimages produced with teachers...
Resultados: Listando 10 de 125043 en la página 11318 de 12505