Resultados: Listando 10 de 125955 en la página 11321 de 12596
Effect of Annexin A5 in the interaction between Ca2+ ions and DPPS-containing me...
Thermodynamics of Vaidya-de Sitter and applications
Innovative photonic methods for assessing the contamination of aquatic ecosystems...
Poly (lactic acid) nonwovens modified with beta-chitin whiskers and silver nanoparticles...
Project guidelines and usability evaluation of an assistive technology environment...
Therapeutic Communities in the Psychosocial Care Network: dynamics in policy imp...
Movie theaters with urban space in São Paulo: from provincial to cosmopolitan
The great comedy of antipoetry
Reference and Analogy: an inquiry concerning the presuppositions of the formulation...
Among supposed names: linguistic skepticism in the poetry of Fernando Pessoa and...
Resultados: Listando 10 de 125955 en la página 11321 de 12596