Resultados: Listando 10 de 124828 en la página 12338 de 12483
Methodology for obtaining periapical images by the manipulation of Cone-Beam computed...
School health in education: a historical briefing of this policy modality in Brazil...
Coloring effect on the mechanical and optical properties of dental ceramics to zirconia...
Immunolocalization and expression of oxytocin receptors (OTR) and sex hormone- binding...
Survival rate of implants with different surface treatments placed in maxilla for...
Study about hidrotelluration of propargylic alcohols
Environmental risk assessment of sediments contaminated with triclosan, ibuprofeno...
Explanatory visualization of multidimensional prejections
Proposition device measures "in situ" to evaluate the mechanical behavior of ballast:...
Evaluation of alternative products aerophotogrammetrics with digital cameras no metrics...
Resultados: Listando 10 de 124828 en la página 12338 de 12483