Résultats: Montrant 10 de 125884 à l'page 10064 de 12589
Goniopsis cruentata: kinetic and biochemical characterization of the gill tissue...
The virtù of the people in Machiavelli's philosophy
Becoming a composer: the construction of musical modernism and the institutionalization...
Political clashes and sociability networks, Bahia (1821-1823)
Scarcity, water security and the business with the water in the metropolitan region...
Journeys of visiting and fighting: Tensions, relations, and relatives' movements...
The Density Matrix Renormalization Group Applied to Open Quantum Systems
Use of the "Mini Nutritional Assessment" tool for undemutrition and the risk of undemutrition...
Interactive visual analysis of hermetic and dense virtual models: the case of grain...
Identification, design and comparison of force control techniques for an electrostatic...
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 125884 à l'page 10064 de 12589