Résultats: Montrant 10 de 125984 à l'page 12337 de 12599
Effects of the digestive state and experimental method influence on the thermal preferences...
Dimensional changes in the maxillary alveolar bone after orthodontic expansion with...
Evaluation of the combination of local injections of bone marrow and adipose tissue...
Effects of probiotic therapy on experimental periodontitis in rats with metabolic...
Action of experimental solutions and diode laser on the evolution of non-carious...
Motherhood and (co)parenting in the pandemic: social networks, support networks and...
Analysis of the behavior of respiratory variables in the physical fitness of CrossFit®...
Evaluation of the stomatognathic system of individuals after hemorrhagic stroke
Taxonomic review and osteology of the species complex Hemigrammus geisleri Zarske...
Bone repair assessment in rabbit calvaria after surgery with the use of recombinant...
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 125984 à l'page 12337 de 12599