Résultats: Montrant 10 de 126036 à l'page 8404 de 12604
Compassion fatigue in the care of children and adolescents with cancer: a qualitative...
Hand hygiene compliance evaluation before and after the implementation of the World...
The regulation of the milk and dairy products market in Brazil
Attitudes of nursing students and nurses to the patients' and family members' prayer...
Authentic leadership in nursing and patient safety climate in the context of the...
Antecipatory grief in oncogenetics in woman with hereditary breast and ovarian cancer...
Physical education and the elderly: gender implications
Role of cGMP and cAMP in the hemodynamic responses to intrathecal admnistration of...
Mortality due to diarrhea in children under-five in the City of Osasco, 1980 to ...
"Family of choice": analysis of the structure of the social support network of elderly...
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 126036 à l'page 8404 de 12604