Résultats: Montrant 10 de 125580 à l'page 9845 de 12558
Stress-induced anxiety and differential activation of related limbic areas in mi...
Background to Green Innovation: An analysis of companies in the industrial sector...
Evaluation of Anticipatory Postural Control in Adults with Complaints of Shoulder...
Paradigms of the institutionalization of children and adolescents in Brazil: the...
The logistics of compressed natural gas and small-scale LNG: the competitive frontier...
Psychophysical scaling of sexual attitude as an investigative tool of sexual vio...
The locations of psychoanalysis: issues on the cultural and clinical psychoanalytical...
Eye tracking and emotion recognition in children with autism spectrum disorder
Assessment of characteristic of the Autistic Spectrum Characteristics in Patients...
New expansion frontiers for the natural gas: the small-scale supply through the Brazilian...
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 125580 à l'page 9845 de 12558