Results: Displaying 10 of 125189 on page 10906 of 12519
Synthesis and application of fluorescent probes applied in the detection of cations...
Synthesis and characterization of bis-azobenzene photo-switch systems: influence...
PdAu and PdPt nanomaterials with shape, composition and structure controled for catalysis...
Development of a antibody display library system targeted against vascular growth...
Dendrochronology applied in the management of cedro trees (Cedrela odorata) L. and...
Prevalence and factors associated with Neisseria spp. carrier state in family households:...
The use of fibrolytic enzymes on the performance, metabolism and feeding behavior...
Mobius Transformations and Riemann Sphere Projections
2D inversion of magnetometric data with prismatic model: Application on the Ponta...
Borel regulator in algebraic k-theory
Results: Displaying 10 of 125189 on page 10906 of 12519