Results: Displaying 10 of 124793 on page 11045 of 12480
Stress testing system for portfolio analysis with principal component analysis a...
Prognostic assessment of patients with reduced left ventricular ejection fraction...
Evaluation of the systemic inflammatory response with the use of sevoflurane during...
Nature of the quark-hadron phase transition and consequences for the star struct...
Effect of sevoflurane on serum CK MB levels after percutaneous coronary stent angioplasty:...
Population observational study for the assessment of systemic arterial hypertension...
Role of phenolic compounds from brazilian native fruits on obesity-induced insulin...
School stressors, social skills, behavior problems, and academic achievement in 3rd...
Measurement uncertainty associated with microbial count of pharmaceutical produc...
Molecular and phenotypic characterization of Klebsiella spp. NDM producers
Results: Displaying 10 of 124793 on page 11045 of 12480