Results: Displaying 10 of 125884 on page 11052 of 12589
Prospective research aiming at the planning of the use of the green manure in the...
Alternative approaches to characterizing the genetic architecture of autism spectrum...
In vitro assessment of the antioxidant potential of macroalgae extracts from islands...
Concrete conditions of the special training journey: a study on the continuing training...
Solid-liquid equilibrium in lysozyme precipitation using sodium succinate, tartrate...
Study of fundamentals in membrane distilation crystallization applied for water ...
Optimal grade transitions for a propylene polymerization loop reactor
Mitigating potential of clove oil on the physiological stress responses of lambari,...
Study of the inhibitory activity of plant extracts, flavonoids and derivatives of...
Multivariate analysis of the main factors that affecting the wear (life) of refractories'steel...
Results: Displaying 10 of 125884 on page 11052 of 12589