Results: Displaying 10 of 125985 on page 11548 of 12599
Bicycle and public policies in Brazil: comparing the trajectories of the bicycle...
Analysis of the tetramerization of the CD38 protein by means of molecular dockin...
A study of shifts in journalistic translation: an analysis of a corpus of translated...
Kinematic analysis of the center of mass in indoor soccer players during tasks of...
Intraspecific variation and temperature effect on the phenotype establishment during...
Integrated analysis of somatic and transcriptional alterations in pancreatic can...
Deposits channel of monetary policy, bank credit constrains and flight to quality...
Career as a profession of faith: a study on religious spirituality and career
Discipline and Punishment: precepts and practices about treatment for children and...
Defect detection and diagnosis in the transient regime of induction motors based...
Results: Displaying 10 of 125985 on page 11548 of 12599