Resultados: Listando 10 de 125985 en la página 12479 de 12599
Impacts of Brazilian performance standard NBR 15575 on design and specification of...
Effect of visuospatial working memory practice on children's academic performance...
Product development management: a contrast between joint development and internal...
Theoretical study of thiophene oligomers for photovoltaics: thiophene-furan for films...
Critical success factors in implementing CRM technology
An empirical assessment of the impact of the Family Health Program on child health...
High school occupations and political engagement: the pathways for young people's...
Conception of a progressive style for investigative activities in high school
The science under censorship: a study on the daily life of the Institute of Physics...
Analysis of the Pedagogical Content Knowledge on Plant Physiology of a Teacher-Trainer...
Resultados: Listando 10 de 125985 en la página 12479 de 12599