Résultats: Montrant 10 de 125795 à l'page 11292 de 12580
Evaluation of the preventive effects of the Nd: YAG laser and fluoride on dental...
"I am immense when I write." Teachers' literary writing practices: in-between soirees...
IPEN radiopharmaceutical market trend: a Systems Dynamics approach
Structural mechanical analysis and economic feasibility in the replacement of HSLA...
Application of the syndromic management for sexually transmitted diseases at a public...
Numerical model for calculation of Hydraulic Transient and Fluid-Structure Interaction...
Twelve years-old children oral health of Feira de Santana/Bahia - urban area
Strategies for matching in query-by-humming
The role of angiotensin II in chronic kidney disease: Contribution of NADPH oxidase...
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 125795 à l'page 11292 de 12580