Resultados: Listando 10 de 3862 en la página 373 de 387
MOS - Ontological Security Model for access control policy negotiation in multi-...
Phylogenetic relationships among species of the genus Cycloramphus Tschudi 1838 and...
Judicialization of politics in Brazil: the judicial process after 1988
Occlusal and oral myofunctional evaluation in children with complete primary dentition...
Organizational learning in the internationalization of the firm: cases of brazilian...
Multicriteria Evaluation, in a GIS environment, in the definition of priority areas...
Anaerobic treatment of vinasse in a UASB reactor under thermophilic conditions (55°C)...
Influence of mineral supplementation on the reproductive development of male buffaloes...
Genotipic characterization of virulence factors and agr of Staphylococcus aureus...
Ab initio study of small fullerenes and C6s and its derivatives for applications...
Resultados: Listando 10 de 3862 en la página 373 de 387