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Home Year Year of Defense
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Results: Displaying 10 of 410 on page 6 of 41
Stability of wheat cultivars (Triticum aestivum L.) and choice of locations for selection...
Study of elastic scattering of electrons by atoms through pseudopotentials
The expansion of sugarcane cultivation and its effects on the composition of production...
Ambientes de sedimentação do grupo Corumbá na região central da Serra da Bodoquena,...
Inheritance of flowering and maturity time in natural variants of soybeans [Glycine...
Study of structural defects and plastic / brittle phenomena in oxide single crys...
The optimization of a hydro-agricultural project in the Guaíra county (SP), using...
Experimental evidence of the existence of a Lifshitz multicritica line in the 'MN'p...
Results: Displaying 10 of 410 on page 6 of 41
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