Results: Displaying 10 of 2921 on page 275 of 293
The influence of quality control on lateral cephalographs and on cephalometric l...
Spatial modeling of the seed flow for Hymenaea courbaril with ssr, in a fragmented...
Educative component in the formation and professional activity of the auxiliary personnel...
Potential of using real options in the capital budget to measure assets
Mental Health Planning in the Psychiatric Reform Context: a study of Paranas western...
Environmental perception and landscape characterization of Água Quente stream watershed...
Parallel implementation of the exact Euclidean distance transform
Influence of PEEP and external abdominal weight in airway and intra-abdominal pressures...
Genetic diversity of endophytic enterobacteria from different hosts and colonization...
A study of the correlation between marginal fit and tensions transmitted to implants...
Results: Displaying 10 of 2921 on page 275 of 293