Results: Displaying 10 of 2921 on page 281 of 293
Positional protection using travelingw waves and Wavelet transform theory
Study of influence vitamin E supplementation on milk neutrophil function in dairy...
Quality management on information services in Brazil: a reference model based on...
Subjectivity in the discourse of newly graduates from UFPR: an institutional ana...
El gerenciamiento en la estrategia de salud de la familia: el proceso de trabajo...
The management of IT services: A web application for mobile devices used for field...
Indicadores sociais no processo orçamentário do setor público municipal de saúde:...
The Construction of a Scale of Attitudes towards Alcohol, alcoholism and the Alcoholic:...
A proposal of a digital frequency relay based on genetic algorithms
Comparative study of two capybara (Hydrochaeris hydrochaeris) populations in the...
Results: Displaying 10 of 2921 on page 281 of 293