Results: Displaying 10 of 3863 on page 376 of 387
Coherence and adherence of solidary economics: a case study of production collective...
Porphyria cutanea tarda. Evolution study of the clinical and laboratory features:...
Electrochemistry interphases study involving odontologic metallic materials
Evaluation of the collaborative logistic between consumers packaged goods and retail...
A study on the impacts of the surprise of monetary policy in the Brazilian economic...
Web Services to support group applications and applications integration
Identification of the flavonoids with antioxidants activity of the sugar cane (SAccharum...
The meaning of quality of life: perspectives of revascularized patients and their...
Effects of food and liquid intake on the body composition evaluation of malnourished...
The effects of a postural and functional approach-based exercise program on the functional...
Results: Displaying 10 of 3863 on page 376 of 387