Results: Displaying 10 of 2098 on page 53 of 210
UHPLC-MS/MS method for determination of hydroxychloroquine and its main metabolites...
Isolation and identification of bioactive metabolites from a fungal strain from the...
The role of the Internet in the mental health of young university students and its...
Evaluation of serum osteoprotegerin and its genetic polymorphisms in patients with...
Evolution of the hydrothermal IOCGnickel mineral system of the Southern Copper Belt,...
Patterns of water and sewage in Brazil: an analysis of municipalities, providers,...
Plasma renin measurement on monitoring the mineralocorticoide replacement in patients...
Dynamics and intensity of cotton lint price transmission in Brazil: greater dependence...
Evaluating similarity in DBMSs: Towards query optimization
Structural and functional changes in the brain associated with long-COVID: a magnetic...
Results: Displaying 10 of 2098 on page 53 of 210