Results: Displaying 10 of 124993 on page 9012 of 12500
Residual effect of phosphorus sources and liming action on the five tropical forage...
Evaluation of the photoprotective and antioxidant potential of extracts from Antarctic...
Way of life and territory in the Cajari River extractive reserve (Amapá)
From rural disctrict into quilombola territory: a study of the quilombola community...
Lídia Besouchet and Newton Freitas: political and intellectual mediations between...
Development and validation of a multimorbidity index in elderly and its use to prognosis...
The use of plasma spray dried in the prevention of porcine circovirus and associated...
The role of horizontal gene transfer in the evolutionary history of two bacterial...
Development of EGene platform for functional annotation and database integration:...
Variações sobre o preto e o negro na pintura moderna
Results: Displaying 10 of 124993 on page 9012 of 12500