Results: Displaying 10 of 125189 on page 9019 of 12519
Solvent Effects on Absorption and Emission Spectra of Dimethoxy Curcumin
Action project of nursing with the Service Hemotherapy Hospital Municipal da Pie...
Embracement and Bond in the assistance to people diagnosed with Eating Disorders
User Embracement and Attachment in a Eating Disorders' care Service
Validation of analytical methodologies for quantitative determination of drugs in...
Exposure to metals in fishermen from the High São Francisco River, Brazil: a preliminary...
Proposal of a model for implementation of parametric release for terminally sterilized...
In vitro evaluation of the morphology and the bond strength of adhesives to sound...
Assessment of cyclists' exposure to noise in a Brazilian medium-sized city
Ergodic theory on homogeneous flows and Ratners theorems
Results: Displaying 10 of 125189 on page 9019 of 12519