Resultados: Listando 10 de 125160 en la página 12401 de 12516
Mechanisms of formation of electronegative LDL (LDL‾): the effect of glycoxidation...
Development of a mobile application to promote self-care in patients with fibrom...
Efficacy of Shiatsu on pain, sleep, anxiety, balance confidence level and quality...
Depression in Women through women's discourse
Impacts of the auto-oriented street hierarchy on the level of service of non-motorized...
Pluridimensional sustainability analysis of wooden building products production ...
Analysis of pusher-barge system with different maneuvering and propulsion device...
National policy on health technology management: a case study of the National Committee...
Evolution of relative price of food and structure of food spending in the city of...
On the use of ontologies for search in a collaborative system for architectural ...
Resultados: Listando 10 de 125160 en la página 12401 de 12516