Plant Physiology and Biochemistry
Results: Displaying 10 of 292 on page 3 of 30
Plant tissue culture and regeneration of transgenic plants from embryogenic callus...
Study of factors that influence the citrus genetic transformation process via Agrobacterium...
Morphoanatomical, physiological and chemical responses of Allagoptera campestris...
Plants of sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) genetically transformed with the gene AtBI-...
'beta'-Naftoxiacetic acid, indolbutyric acid and acid giberelic action in the pineapple...
The genetic transformation of chloroplast seeking to increase the photosynthesis...
Anatomical and physiological analyses of peach palm leaves from in vitro, ex vitro...
Genetic transformation of sugarcane and validation of reference genes for evaluation...
Sequencing and analyses of tomato chloroplast DNA fragments for construction of chloroplast...
Functional analysis of RALF peptides in Arabidopsis: evaluation of the hormone brassinolide...
Results: Displaying 10 of 292 on page 3 of 30