Physiologie et Biochimie des Plantes
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 292 à l'page 21 de 30
Characterization of natural genetic variations affecting tomato cell competence to...
The impact of tomato domestication-related alleles on plant development
In vitro performance of the bacterial manifestations on Eucalyptus benthamii Maiden...
Study of endophytic bacterial community and its manifestation in the micropropagation...
Investigation of ubiquitous endophytic microbiota in "axenic" microplants
Tissue culture and sugarcane genetic transformation for genetic stability of tra...
Biosynthesis and degradation of fructans in differents regions of the rhizophores...
Preservation of visual quality and bioactive compounds of fresh-cut red beet
The role of EARLY FLOWERING 3 and PHYTOCHROME B interaction in response to red light...
Effect of air temperature on the interaction of Neophysopella tropicalis and cv....
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 292 à l'page 21 de 30