Histoire et Fondements de l'Architecture et de l'Urbanisme
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 445 à l'page 39 de 45
Os usos do e no centro histórico de São Francisco do Sul (SC) no programa monume...
Metric, proportion and light: modern sacred architecture in Brazil
Conservation, contemporary art, public space etc
Preservation and restoration of works of Mary Vieira in public spaces in Brazil
São João Street: the Boulevard of São Paulo of the First Republic (1889-1930)
Sao Bento street: a fragment from the city of the São Paulo that reveals the transformations...
Places of interdiction - dialogues guided by Lais Myrrha and Jaime Lauriano
Architectural survey: ancient practice, contemporary discipline
The view of others towards the third world: the debate in the Italian magazine Spazio...
Autonomy and extended field: Peter Eisenman, Rosalind Krauss and The Institute for...
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 445 à l'page 39 de 45