Histoire et Fondements de l'Architecture et de l'Urbanisme
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 453 à l'page 43 de 46
Latin American modern architecture: an idea produced from Latin American Architecture...
Industrial architecture in the neighborhood of Moóca: analysis and guidelines for...
Urban space and crime: an analysis of the surroundings of the Butantã subway, São...
Hibrid textures or the double regress: latin american encounters and cultural translations...
Land, design and work: the social production of space by the state public housing...
Architectural typologies in the Sorocabana Railway Stations
Chimneys and skyscrapers: an approach to processes and practice of preservation in...
A new vision about "Da Fábrica que falece à cidade de Lisboa" by Francisco de Holanda,...
Letter of Rafael-Castiglione to Pope Leo X
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 453 à l'page 43 de 46