Anatomía de los Animales Domésticos y Silvestres
Resultados: Listando 10 de 565 en la página 2 de 57
Study about the development of respiratory system in bovines embryos (Bos indicus...
Inervation and vascularization of the stomatognathic system in dogs and cats: surgical...
Comparative analysis of the structural and ultra-structural elements of the cardiac...
Interaction between immature dental pulp stem cells and canine osteosarcoma
Obtention and characterization of canine osteosarcoma primary cell line
Dynamics of acute phase proteins and ultrasonographic mensurations of conceptus during...
Electrophoresis of urinary protein evaluation in GRMD dogs, an early renal lesio...
Use of bupivacaine alone and associated to fentanyl and sufentanil in epidural anaesthesia...
Reproductive patterns: sperm storage and placentation in Crotalus durissus and Bothrops...
Cellular, molecular and functional alterations in rat liver treated with hepatotrophic...
Resultados: Listando 10 de 565 en la página 2 de 57