Anatomía de los Animales Domésticos y Silvestres
Resultados: Listando 10 de 565 en la página 48 de 57
The use of fetus boné marrow stem cells in adult dogs with chronic spinal cord c...
Estimation of the cardyomyocites number in the left ventrcle in swine (Sus scrof...
Effects of the neurotoxin MPTP on the myocardial structure in C57/BL mice
Effects of the partial urethral obstruction on the rabbit´s urinary bladder´s musculature:...
Anatomy and histology of the blood-vessels and biliar duct system of ostrich liver...
Anatomic and histhologic distribuition of the lymphoid tissue components in the intestin...
A quantitative study of actabular periosteum nerve fibers in dogs
Observations about the tongue mucosa in White-Eared-Opossum (Didelphis albiventris),...
Study of the myenteric plexus of the descending colon of dogs affected by Muscular...
Morphological study of hearts of Callithirx jacchus
Resultados: Listando 10 de 565 en la página 48 de 57