Anatomía de los Animales Domésticos y Silvestres
Resultados: Listando 10 de 565 en la página 6 de 57
Study of non-collagen bone proteins in the process of alveolar bone repair in aged...
Influence of body conformation and heart rate in mode-M and Doppler echocardiographic...
Modulation of bovine trophoblast in cloned pregnancy
Occurrence and mechanisms of fetal microchimerism in bovines pregnancies
Comparative analysis of the potential for migration of immature stem cells from human...
Macroscopy and microscopic anatomy of the pineal gland of the monkey (Cebus apel...
Quantitative and biomolecular aspects of the thymus vascularization in cat
Quantitative study of the thymus vascularization in cats
Recellularization of the extracellular muscle matrix of healthy and dystrophic d...
Morphoquantitative features of myenteric plexus of small intestine of mdx mice: a...
Resultados: Listando 10 de 565 en la página 6 de 57