Anatomie des Animaux Domestiques et Sauvages
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 565 à l'page 24 de 57
Cartilage lesions of New Zealand rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) treated with progenitor...
Macro and microscopic morphology of pancreas of the anteater (Myrmecophaga tridactyla...
Microestructural, histochemistry, and inmunohistochemistry study of the llama´s placenta...
Study on ultrastructure of cecal tonsil of SPF chickens treated with commercial competitive...
Evaluation of renal excretion using scintigraphy in domestic cats
Assessment of risk components for Autism Spectrum Disorder in participants of the...
Evaluation of the role of the majoritary elements and trace in the formation of the...
Morphometric and haemodynamic evaluation of the vases involved in the portosystemic...
Analysis of the dynamic of origin and fate of trophoblast cells in the maternal-fetal...
Morphological study of placenta capybara (Hydrochaeris hydrochearis): early gest...
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 565 à l'page 24 de 57