Anatomie des Animaux Domestiques et Sauvages
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 565 à l'page 26 de 57
Topographic and microscopic anatomical description of the Emissary Sinus of Foramen...
Production and characterization of bioactive biomaterials obtained from decellularized...
Correlation of endocrine and behavioral parameters in abandoned dogs during ressocialization...
Comparative study of the active and passive properties in mdx/utrn +/- and mdx with...
The real diaphragm morphophisiology after local injection of mesenchymal stem cell...
Effects of hormones and citokynes in the indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase expression and...
Morphometric and stereological study of the adenohypophysis granular cells associated...
Cláudio Antonio Ferraz de Carvalho: rescue of the anatomist from Alfonso Boveros...
Assessment of the effects of ascorbic acid supplementation on aspects morphoquantitative...
Effects of Cannabis sativa on the development of spleen and thymus in offspring mice...
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 565 à l'page 26 de 57