Experimental and Comparative Pathology
Results: Displaying 10 of 366 on page 17 of 37
Behavioral and neurochemical evaluation of male offspring rats prenatally exposed...
Experimental infection with Paramyxovirus in Boa constrictor (LINNAEUS, 1758) snakes...
Detection and analysis of carbamate distribution by DESI mass spectrometry in tissues...
Expression of immunohistochemical biomarkers in equine melanocytic neoplasms using...
Ensuring animal welfare in biomedical research: pain relief and better quality report...
Refinement of techniques of injectable anesthesia to ensure the wellbeing of laboratory...
Evaluation of humoral and cellular immunity in dogs naturally infected with Leishmania...
Immunotoxic effects of Pteridium aquilinum in natural killer cells from mice and...
Evaluation of the immunotoxic effects of Pteridium aquilinum. Study in mice
Clinical, pathological and immunohistochemical study of gastrointestinal neoplasias...
Results: Displaying 10 of 366 on page 17 of 37