Experimental and Comparative Pathology
Results: Displaying 10 of 366 on page 18 of 37
Stress in adolescence: hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal -axis dysfunctions on behavior,...
Effects of acute restraint stress on phenotypic and functional characterization of...
Compared cytogenetic analysis in mast cell tumors: a special focus on Boxer bree...
Ipomoea carnea toxicity study in rats during perinatal period. Evaluation of possible...
Salmonella sp in reptiles and wild birds at São Paulo Estate: isolation frequency,...
Isolation and identification of ostrich enteric bacteria and its application on competitive...
Effects of acute, long-term and abrupt withdrawal of long-term haloperidol treatment...
Investigation of RNA viral pathogens in wild carnivores killed by vehicular collisions...
Neuroimmune alteractions induced in male mice by cohabitation with a sick cage m...
Phenotypic characterization of stem/progenitor cells of the stromal vascular portion...
Results: Displaying 10 of 366 on page 18 of 37