Clínica Quirúrgica Veterinaria
Resultados: Listando 10 de 286 en la página 3 de 29
Endoscopic evaluation of dogs with inflammatory bowel disease: correlation with clinical,...
Histologic and immunohistochemical evaluation of intestinal innervation in dogs with...
Comparative effects of nepafenac 0,1% and dexametasone 0,1% eye drops after experimental...
The effects of the subconjunctival injection of bevacizumab (Avastin®) on angiogenesis...
Correlation between microbiologic and cytological findings collected by bronchoscopy...
Articular surface evaluation of sheep and horses subjected to articular irrigation...
Biomechanical comparison of screw/wire/polymethylmethacrylate, two types of locking...
Biomechanical comparative study of the strength of autoclaved and devitalized in...
Creation of a dog dental mannequin for training in Endodontics, as a complementary...
Evaluation of post-operative pain in equine arthroscopic surgery
Resultados: Listando 10 de 286 en la página 3 de 29