Agronomic Statistics and Experimentation
Results: Displaying 10 of 480 on page 15 of 48
Regression model for a Weibull renewall process distribution with a frailty efec...
Classification of sugarcane varieties according to susceptibility to smut and mosaic...
A study on estimation and prediction in bivariate geostatistical models
Repeated categorical incomplete measurements: an application to reliability of v...
Approximate Bayesian inference guidelines for generalized linear models and georeferenced...
Relationship between environmental factors and forest species using points process...
Autologistic model in the study of spatial patterns in citrus diseases
Parametric and semiparametric long-term survival models applied to a randomized clinical...
Analysis of longitudinal data in experiments with sugar of cane
Results: Displaying 10 of 480 on page 15 of 48