Animal Science and Pastures
Results: Displaying 10 of 656 on page 8 of 66
Grazing strategies, animal performance and environmental sustainability in intensive...
Corn grain processing methods for dairy cows grazing a tropical pasture
Corn grain processing associated with fat supplementation on performance and metabolism...
Ecophysiological and agronomic responses of perennial grass species under water ...
Use of dietary levels of glycerol in growing and finishing pigs
Body composition and net energy and protein requirements of Santa Gertrudis bulls...
Study of the colostral antibodies absorption in newborn calves
Nutritional requirements of juveniles pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus Holmberg, 1887):...
Use of reproductive protocols in Santa Inês ewes on estrus synchronization, mean...
Quality of corn silage made from different sealing films and performance of dairy...
Results: Displaying 10 of 656 on page 8 of 66